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Accuracy and Precision, Middle School 10, Skill and Distinction




skillful, clumsy, inept, awkward

The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook



How to pronounce deft (audio)

Dictionary definition of deft

Exceptionally skillful, nimble, or adept at performing tasks that require precision and dexterity.
"The chef was deft with a knife, able to chop and dice with great speed and precision."

Detailed meaning of deft

When a person is referred to as 'deft,' it means they have a remarkable ability to handle complex or delicate activities with ease and finesse. Whether it's a musician effortlessly playing a challenging piece, a surgeon performing a delicate surgery, or a chef skillfully preparing a meal, a 'deft' individual demonstrates a high level of competence and grace in their actions. This term underscores not only their technical proficiency but also their ability to execute tasks with a level of skill that sets them apart from others in their field.

Example sentences containing deft

1. The magician was deft with his hands and performed clever illusions with ease.
2. His knife sliced through the meat with deft precision.
3. The marksman was deft and accurate.
4. Her deft fingers untangled the knot with assertive ease.
5. His paintbrush caressed the canvass in a flurry of deft strokes.
6. The athlete was deft with a ball, able to control and manipulate it with great skill.

History and etymology of deft

The adjective 'deft' can be traced back to the Old English word 'gedeft,' which meant 'mild' or 'gentle.' This Old English term is believed to have originated from the Proto-Germanic word 'daftiz,' which meant 'fitting' or 'apt.' Over time, the meaning of 'deft' evolved to describe not just gentleness but also the quality of being skillful and adept in performing tasks that require precision and dexterity. This shift in meaning reflects how language can adapt to convey the idea of finesse and nimbleness in one's actions, emphasizing the skillful and adept qualities associated with the term 'deft.'

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Further usage examples of deft

1. The musician was deft with their instrument, able to play with great precision and finesse.
2. The dancer was deft on her feet, able to move with grace and fluidity.
3. The artist was deft with a brush, able to create beautiful paintings with ease.
4. The tailor was deft with a needle, able to sew with great speed and accuracy.
5. The mechanic was deft with tools, able to fix and repair machines with ease.
6. The engineer was deft at problem-solving, able to find creative solutions to complex issues.
7. The scientist was deft at conducting experiments, able to design and execute them with great skill.
8. The writer was deft with words, able to craft compelling and engaging stories with ease.
9. The mathematician was deft at solving equations, able to find solutions with great speed and accuracy.
10. The politician was deft at public speaking, able to deliver speeches with confidence and charm.
11. The actor was deft at performing, able to bring characters to life with great skill and ease.
12. The athlete was deft at team sports, able to work well with others and contribute to the team's success.
13. The deft surgeon successfully performed the intricate procedure.
14. Her deft fingers played the piano with grace and precision.
15. The deft artist captured every detail in the painting.
16. A deft negotiator can resolve even the most challenging disputes.
17. The chef's deft culinary skills created a masterpiece.
18. His deft navigation skills ensured a smooth voyage.
19. A deft writer can craft captivating stories with ease.
20. The gymnast's deft moves earned her a perfect score.
21. The tailor's deft alterations made the dress fit perfectly.
22. A deft mechanic can diagnose and repair complex issues.
23. The architect's deft design transformed the space beautifully.
24. His deft handling of the crisis averted a major disaster.

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