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Dictionary definition of debauchery

Excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures or in activities that are considered immoral or depraved.
"The young man's life was filled with debauchery and hedonistic pleasures."

Detailed meaning of debauchery

It can also describe a lifestyle or a pattern of behavior that is characterized by excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures or in activities that are considered immoral or depraved. For example, a person who engages in excessive drinking, drug use, or promiscuous sexual behavior might be said to be indulging in debauchery. A lifestyle or a pattern of behavior that is characterized by such excesses might also be described as being one of debauchery. The term is often used to describe a lifestyle or a pattern of behavior that is seen as being excessive or indulgent, and that is therefore considered immoral or depraved.

Example sentences containing debauchery

1. The party was a night of debauchery, with alcohol flowing freely and people engaging in various forms of excess.
2. The young man's life was filled with debauchery and hedonistic pleasures.
3. The rumors of debauchery at the royal court shocked the nation.
4. The city was known for its debauchery and excess, attracting people from all over the world who were looking for a good time.
5. The artist's lifestyle was one of debauchery and excess, and it eventually took a toll on his health.
6. The rock star's life was filled with debauchery and he was constantly in the headlines for his wild behavior.

History and etymology of debauchery

The noun 'debauchery' finds its roots in the Old French word 'desbaucher,' which means 'to lead astray' or 'to corrupt.' This Old French term, in turn, is believed to have been influenced by the Latin word 'debauchare,' where 'de' means 'completely' and 'bauchare' may be related to 'bacchus,' the Roman god of wine and revelry. The association with Bacchus underscores the connection between debauchery and excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. Over time, 'debauchery' came to signify not only the corruption of moral values but also the indulgence in activities that are considered immoral or depraved. Its etymology highlights the notion of leading astray or deviating from societal norms and values through excessive and often sensual indulgence.

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Further usage examples of debauchery

1. The politician was accused of debauchery and corruption, and his career was ruined as a result.
2. The college was known for its debauchery and excess, with students engaging in all kinds of reckless behavior.
3. The young woman's life was filled with debauchery and she had no sense of responsibility or self-control.
4. The company was accused of debauchery and corruption, and its reputation was ruined as a result.
5. The city was known for its debauchery and excess, with people engaging in all kinds of immoral behavior.
6. The musician's life was filled with debauchery and he was constantly in trouble with the law.
7. The party was a night of debauchery, with people engaging in all kinds of reckless and immoral behavior.
8. The politician was accused of debauchery and corruption, and he was forced to resign in disgrace.
9. The college was known for its debauchery and excess, with students engaging in all kinds of reckless and irresponsible behavior.
10. The wild party descended into a night of debauchery.
11. His life of debauchery led to personal and professional ruin.
12. The city's nightlife was notorious for its debauchery.
13. The novel depicted a world of decadence and debauchery.
14. The scandal exposed a web of political debauchery.
15. They warned against a life of moral debauchery.
16. The movie portrayed the allure and consequences of debauchery.
17. The history books detailed the court's debauchery.
18. His tales of debauchery shocked his conservative family.
19. Society was divided over the morality of the debauchery.
20. The novel explored the dark side of aristocratic debauchery.
21. The party's reputation for debauchery drew a diverse crowd.
22. The artist's work often delved into themes of debauchery.
23. The city's red-light district was known for its debauchery.
24. He sought redemption after years of debauchery.

excess, morality, virtue, restraint

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