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How to pronounce contradiction (audio)
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Dictionary definition of contradiction

A situation or statement in which two or more elements, ideas, or facts are mutually exclusive or conflict with one another.
"The politician's statement was a blatant contradiction of his earlier position on the issue."

Detailed meaning of contradiction

It involves the presence of incompatible or opposing characteristics, beliefs, opinions, or actions that cannot coexist or logically align. A contradiction often highlights a fundamental disagreement or inconsistency between different aspects or perspectives. It can arise in various contexts, such as logic, philosophy, mathematics, or everyday life. Contradictions challenge the harmony, coherence, or validity of a system, argument, or reasoning by introducing conflicting elements or propositions. Recognizing and addressing contradictions is crucial for critical thinking, problem-solving, and maintaining logical consistency. Resolving contradictions requires careful analysis, examination of underlying assumptions, and finding ways to reconcile conflicting ideas or evidence. Overall, "contradiction" signifies the presence of incompatible or conflicting elements that challenge the coherence or harmony of a concept, argument, or system.

Example sentences containing contradiction

1. His actions were a contradiction to his professed values and beliefs.
2. The contradiction between his words and actions undermined his credibility.
3. The scientist uncovered a contradiction in the experimental data, requiring further investigation.
4. The contradiction between the two witnesses' testimonies raised doubts about the accuracy of their accounts.
5. The contradiction between the company's mission statement and its actual practices was exposed by investigative journalists.
6. The book's plot contained several contradictions that left readers perplexed.

History and etymology of contradiction

The noun 'contradiction' has its etymological roots in the Latin word 'contradictio,' which is formed from 'contra' meaning 'against' and 'dicere' meaning 'to speak' or 'to say.' This etymology effectively conveys the essence of 'contradiction' as a situation or statement where elements, ideas, or facts are spoken or asserted against each other, often resulting in mutual exclusivity or conflict. It implies a clash or inconsistency between different assertions or realities, highlighting the opposition or incompatibility of the elements in question. The term 'contradiction' maintains its etymological connection to the concept of speaking or asserting against, emphasizing the verbal or cognitive discord that arises when two or more conflicting elements or ideas are presented.

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Further usage examples of contradiction

1. The professor challenged his students to identify the contradictions within the philosophical text.
2. The contradiction between the two scientific theories led to a debate among researchers.
3. The politician's contradictory statements in different interviews were scrutinized by the media.
4. The contradiction between the legal statutes caused confusion among lawyers and judges.
5. Her actions were a clear contradiction of her earlier promises.
6. The scientist's findings presented a significant contradiction.
7. The candidate's words and actions were a glaring contradiction.
8. The book's plot contained an intriguing contradiction.
9. The contradictions in his argument left everyone confused.
10. The artist's work explored the beauty of contradiction.
11. His behavior showed a contradiction in his personality.
12. The poem eloquently expressed the essence of contradiction.
13. The contradictory evidence made the case challenging.
14. The contract contained several internal contradictions.
15. The politician's speeches were rife with contradictions.
16. The philosophy class discussed the nature of contradiction.
17. The movie's characters embodied the complexity of contradiction.
18. The contradictory weather forecasts left people uncertain.
19. The lawyer pointed out a contradiction in the witness's testimony.
20. The journalist uncovered a contradiction in the official report.
21. The contradiction between their beliefs caused tension.
22. The historical account had numerous contradictions.
23. The scientist embraced contradiction as a catalyst for discovery.
24. The paradoxical nature of art often involves contradiction.

inconsistency, agreement, consistency, conformity

ACT 6 (American College Testing), High School 18, Puzzlement and Perplexity




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