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How to pronounce capitalism (audio)
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Dictionary definition of capitalism

An economic and political system characterized by private ownership of the means of production and the pursuit of profit.
"In a capitalist system, private ownership is central to economic activities."

Detailed meaning of capitalism

In capitalism, resources, goods, and services are primarily owned and controlled by individuals and private enterprises rather than the state. It is a system based on the principles of free markets, competition, and the accumulation of capital. In this framework, individuals and businesses engage in voluntary transactions, driven by self-interest, with the aim of maximizing their profits. Capitalism encourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and investment, as individuals are incentivized to create and expand businesses in pursuit of economic success. The price mechanism, shaped by supply and demand, plays a crucial role in determining the allocation of resources and guiding market activities. Capitalism is often associated with concepts such as free trade, economic freedom, and individual liberty. While it has proven to generate wealth and foster economic growth, it also raises debates regarding income inequality, social welfare, and the impact on the environment.

Example sentences containing capitalism

1. Capitalism, characterized by private ownership, has shaped our modern economic landscape.
2. The debate surrounding the benefits and drawbacks of capitalism remains contentious.
3. In a capitalist system, market forces dictate the allocation of resources.
4. Capitalism's emphasis on profit motive fuels innovation and economic growth.
5. Critics argue that capitalism exacerbates wealth disparities and social inequalities.
6. Proponents of capitalism champion it as a vehicle for individual initiative and entrepreneurship.

History and etymology of capitalism

The noun 'capitalism' has its origins in the mid-19th century and is closely associated with the development of modern economic and political systems. It is formed from the word 'capital,' which comes from the Latin 'caput,' meaning 'head' or 'top.' In this context, 'capital' refers to wealth or assets that can be used to generate more wealth. The suffix '-ism' is often used to denote a system, doctrine, or ideology. Therefore, 'capitalism' refers to an economic and political system characterized by the private ownership of the means of production and the pursuit of profit. The etymology of 'capitalism' reflects the central role of wealth and financial resources in this system, where the accumulation and investment of capital are fundamental to economic activity and development.

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Further usage examples of capitalism

1. The stock market, a key element of capitalism, plays a pivotal role in wealth generation.
2. Capitalism, deeply rooted in the concept of free enterprise, celebrates economic freedom.
3. Detractors claim that capitalism exploits labor and prioritizes corporate interests.
4. Capitalism provides consumers with a wide array of choices and products.
5. The extent of government intervention in capitalism is a topic of ongoing debate.
6. Environmentalists express concerns about the ecological impact of unchecked capitalism.
7. Economic downturns and recessions are inherent features of the capitalist system.
8. Social safety nets are sometimes introduced to mitigate the adverse effects of capitalism.
9. Wealth distribution in capitalism can vary widely, leading to disparities among individuals.
10. The evolution of capitalism has played a pivotal role in shaping contemporary society.
11. Advocates argue that capitalism drives progress and technological advancements.
12. Within capitalism, investment decisions are primarily motivated by the pursuit of profit.
13. Capitalism's global influence and reach are undeniably extensive.
14. The future of capitalism in an ever-changing world remains uncertain, prompting ongoing discussions and analysis.
15. Capitalism promotes economic competition and innovation.
16. Capitalism allows individuals to pursue their economic interests and maximize profits.
17. Free markets are a key feature of capitalism, facilitating the exchange of goods and services.
18. Capitalism encourages entrepreneurship and the creation of new businesses.
19. The profit motive is a driving force in capitalism.
20. In capitalism, prices are determined by supply and demand dynamics.
21. Capitalism fosters economic growth and development.
22. Income inequality is a concern associated with capitalism.
23. Capitalism emphasizes individual economic freedom and choice.
24. Capitalism operates on the principle of private property rights.
25. Government intervention in the economy is often debated in capitalist systems.

free-market, socialism, communism, collectivism

Suffix -ism, ACT 1 (American College Testing), High School 17, Business and Commerce




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