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Dictionary definition of calumny
The act of making false and damaging statements about someone, with the intent to harm their reputation or character.
"He was accused of calumny for spreading lies about the company."
Detailed meaning of calumny
It is characterized by malicious and false accusations or statements made with the intent to deceive or harm the person being spoken about. Calumny is often used in a legal context to describe the act of making false statements with the intent to defame or harm another person. An example of a sentence using the word calumny would be "The politician's opponents spread calumny about him in an attempt to ruin his reputation."
Example sentences containing calumny
1. The politician faced calumny from his rivals during the campaign.
2. Spreading calumny is a harmful and unethical practice.
3. Her reputation suffered due to baseless calumny.
4. He resorted to calumny to tarnish his competitor's image.
5. The courtroom battle was marred by accusations of calumny.
6. Calumny can have long-lasting effects on a person's life.
History and etymology of calumny
The noun 'calumny' has its roots in Latin, originating from the word 'calumnia,' which means 'false accusation' or 'slander.' In Latin, 'calumnia' is closely linked to 'calvi,' which means 'to deceive' or 'to trick.' The etymology of 'calumny' conveys the concept of making false and damaging statements about someone, often with the malicious intent of harming their reputation or character. It emphasizes the deliberate deceit and dishonesty behind such false accusations or slanderous remarks. 'Calumny' is a term used to describe the act of spreading falsehoods to discredit or defame someone, highlighting the intent to deceive and the harm it can cause to an individual's reputation.
Further usage examples of calumny
1. The tabloid's calumny hurt the celebrity's career.
2. A lawsuit was filed to counter the calumny against the company.
3. The malicious calumny was designed to destroy her credibility.
4. A smear campaign of calumny targeted the whistleblower.
5. The journalist was sued for publishing calumny.
6. Calumny is a destructive weapon in the realm of politics.
7. Spreading calumny is a cowardly act of character assassination.
8. The calumny damaged the trust between friends.
9. His life was upended by false calumny from a former colleague.
10. The court dismissed the case, citing a lack of evidence of calumny.
11. She bore the scars of calumny for years.
12. The author wrote about the effects of calumny on society.
13. The calumny campaign failed to achieve its intended goal.
14. The defamation lawsuit aimed to hold the source of calumny accountable.
15. The calumny spread by the rival company damaged our reputation.
16. He was falsely accused of embezzlement, an act of calumny that destroyed his career.
17. The calumny directed towards the political candidate was a personal attack.
18. She was the victim of calumny by her former friends.
19. The calumny spread on social media made it hard for the truth to be heard.
20. It was supposed to be a political documentary, but came across as a damning calumny against the president.
21. The calumny spread by the newspaper ruined the reputation of the innocent man.
22. He was convicted of calumny for spreading false rumors about his neighbor.
23. The calumny directed towards the scientist made it hard for him to find funding for his research.
24. She was the target of calumny by her colleagues who were jealous of her success.
25. The calumny spread by the blogger was later proven to be false.
26. The calumny aimed at the teacher's character was uncalled for and unjust.,,,
Annoyance and Irritation, Sorrow and Strife, Vilification and Vitriol, Mockery and Insults
Synonyms for calumny
Quiz categories containing calumny
slander, truth, honesty, accuracy