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Dictionary definition of brashness
A quality or characteristic of being bold, impulsive, or lacking in tact or restraint.
"The journalist's brashness allowed her to ask tough questions and get to the truth."
Detailed meaning of brashness
Brashness is often associated with a confident and assertive demeanor, but with a tendency to act or speak in a manner that is perceived as excessive, audacious, or even reckless. It conveys a lack of consideration for consequences or social norms, often manifesting as impetuosity or a disregard for potential risks. Brashness can be seen in someone who exhibits a brash attitude, displaying a bold and outspoken nature without regard for potential repercussions. It can be characterized by a tendency to take bold actions or make bold statements without carefully considering the potential impact on others or oneself. While brashness can be viewed as an expression of confidence or assertiveness, it can also come across as insensitive or lacking in social grace. Overall, "brashness" refers to a bold and audacious quality that lacks tact or restraint, often resulting in impulsive or reckless behavior.
Example sentences containing brashness
1. His brashness often led him to speak without considering the consequences.
2. The politician's brashness caused controversy and offended many people.
3. She admired his brashness and found it refreshing in a world of timidity.
4. The CEO's brashness in decision-making sometimes resulted in risky ventures.
5. His brashness was seen as a sign of confidence, but it also made him unpopular with some colleagues.
6. The comedian's brashness on stage earned him a reputation for pushing boundaries.
History and etymology of brashness
The noun 'brashness' derives its origins from the Middle English word 'bras,' which meant 'a sudden, violent movement' or 'an attack.' This Middle English term likely evolved from the Old English word 'bræs,' meaning 'a sudden breaking' or 'a crash.' Over time, 'brashness' came to denote a quality or characteristic associated with impulsive and bold behavior, often lacking in tact or restraint. It carries the sense of a sudden, forceful action, which, when applied to a person's demeanor or actions, conveys the idea of acting without much forethought or consideration. The etymology of 'brashness' reflects its historical connection to actions or behaviors that are hasty, bold, and potentially lacking in finesse.
Further usage examples of brashness
1. The team's brashness on the field often intimidated their opponents.
2. Her brashness in negotiations often resulted in getting what she wanted.
3. The actress's brashness during interviews made her a controversial figure in the industry.
4. The entrepreneur's brashness and audacity propelled him to success.
5. The young singer's brashness and self-assuredness captivated the audience.
6. Her brashness often led to awkward social situations.
7. His brashness in negotiations rubbed people the wrong way.
8. The candidate's brashness was both his strength and weakness.
9. The team's brashness paid off with a surprise victory.
10. Her brashness didn't sit well with the conservative crowd.
11. The brashness of youth can sometimes lead to mistakes.
12. He regrets his brashness in handling the delicate matter.
13. The CEO's brashness was admired by some but criticized by others.
14. The journalist's brashness made headlines but alienated sources.
15. The comedian's brashness made for a memorable performance.
16. His brashness landed him in hot water with his superiors.
17. The band's brashness was reflected in their loud music.
18. She admired his brashness and asked him out on a date.
19. The manager's brashness led to high employee turnover.
20. Their brashness got them into trouble during the expedition.
21. Brashness can be a double-edged sword in the business world.
22. Her brashness overshadowed her talent as an artist.
23. The politician's brashness appealed to his base of supporters.
24. Brashness may win battles but lose the war in the long run.
25. The brashness of youth often fades with maturity and experience.,,,
Suffix -ness, SAT 13 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 9, Confidence and Optimism
Synonyms for brashness
Quiz categories containing brashness
audacity, caution, prudence, discretion