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Dictionary definition of aspersion
A negative remark or statement that is intended to damage the reputation of someone or something.
"He cast an aspersion on her character, questioning her integrity."
Detailed meaning of aspersion
It is a verbal attack, often made in the form of a criticism, accusation or insinuation, that is intended to tarnish the reputation or integrity of the person or thing being targeted. The word aspersion comes from the Latin word "aspargere" which means "to sprinkle or scatter" and it is often used to describe the act of spreading false or damaging information about someone or something. Aspersions can be made in a variety of forms, such as spoken or written statements, or through gestures or actions. They can be made publicly or privately, and can be directed at individuals, groups, or even entire communities. Aspersions can cause harm and damage to the person or thing being targeted, and also can be used as a way of discrediting or undermining their credibility or authority.
Example sentences containing aspersion
1. Her aspersion-filled comments left a trail of doubt and mistrust among the team members.
2. The aspersion he cast on her competence was both unfair and baseless.
3. Despite facing aspersions, the organization continued to thrive and succeed.
4. His aspersion-laden speech tarnished the reputation of his political opponent.
5. They hurled aspersions at the new policy without understanding its benefits.
6. The aspersion she made about his loyalty was met with shock and disbelief.
History and etymology of aspersion
The noun 'aspersion' has its origins in Latin, specifically from the word 'aspersio,' which is derived from 'aspersus,' the past participle of 'aspersere.' In Latin, 'aspersere' means 'to sprinkle' or 'to scatter.' The term 'aspersion' etymologically conveys the idea of casting negative remarks or statements like one would scatter or sprinkle something. In modern usage, 'aspersion' refers to a damaging or disparaging remark intended to harm the reputation of someone or something. It emphasizes the act of spreading negative information or criticism, often with the aim of undermining trust or credibility.
Further usage examples of aspersion
1. Aspersions cast on their integrity only strengthened their resolve to prove their innocence.
2. He couldn't help but feel hurt by the aspersions directed at his character.
3. The aspersion campaign against the product led to a temporary decline in sales.
4. They used aspersions as a weapon to undermine the credibility of their rivals.
5. In the face of aspersions, she remained steadfast in her commitment to the truth.
6. The aspersion of dishonesty had a lasting impact on his reputation.
7. Without any proof, she threw an aspersion at his work.
8. Her aspersion about his loyalty hurt him deeply.
9. Spreading aspersion without evidence is unwise.
10. The aspersion on his motives only added to the confusion.
11. The politician resorted to aspersion when defending his actions.
12. It's unfair to cast an aspersion without substantial facts.
13. He faced an aspersion on his professionalism due to his age.
14. Gossip columns often thrive on casting aspersion on public figures.
15. The aspersion on her ethics had a lasting impact on her career.
16. He couldn't ignore the aspersion on his competence.
17. Addressing aspersion with transparency is essential.
18. Casting an aspersion is not a constructive way to argue.
19. She was deeply hurt by the aspersion on her dedication.
20. The aspersion about his qualifications was baseless.
21. Aspersion can be a destructive force in any dispute.
22. The aspersion of plagiarism tarnished his academic record.
23. The aspersion aimed to discredit his achievements but failed.
24. She refused to engage in aspersion and instead focused on facts.,,,,,
Suffix -sion, GRE 13 (Graduate Record Examination), Frustration and Exasperation, Sorrow and Strife, Scorn and Censure, Mockery and Insults
Synonyms for aspersion
Quiz categories containing aspersion
slander, praise, commendation, compliment