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Dictionary definition of artery
A main road or highway that connects different regions, cities, or areas together.
"The city's main artery, the highway, was congested with rush hour traffic."
Detailed meaning of artery
Such arteries play a crucial role in facilitating transportation and commerce, as they provide a fast and efficient means of travel and transport of goods. Arteries are usually characterized by having multiple lanes and being designed to handle a large volume of traffic. They often serve as the main highways for a particular region, providing access to other roads and highways that lead to smaller towns and communities. Arteries play a key role in supporting economic development and growth, as they allow people and goods to move quickly and easily from one place to another, helping to foster trade, investment, and tourism. In this sense, an artery can be seen as a vital part of the transportation infrastructure that helps to sustain a region and its communities.
An artery is also a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to various parts of the body. Arteries are part of the circulatory system and are responsible for delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues throughout the body. The largest artery in the body is the aorta, which originates from the left ventricle of the heart and branches out to distribute blood to the rest of the body. Arteries have thick, muscular walls that help regulate blood flow and maintain blood pressure. When arteries become narrow or blocked due to the buildup of plaque, it can lead to serious health problems such as heart attack or stroke.
Example sentences containing artery
1. The congested artery was a major traffic bottleneck during rush hour.
2. The new bridge alleviated traffic on the vital artery between cities.
3. A well-maintained artery facilitates efficient transportation.
4. The highway serves as a crucial artery for goods and commuters.
5. The scenic coastal artery offers breathtaking views of the ocean.
6. An accident on the main artery caused hours of gridlock.
History and etymology of artery
The noun 'artery,' when used to describe a main road or highway that connects different regions, cities, or areas together, has its etymology related to its anatomical namesake. The term 'artery' originally comes from the Latin word 'arteria,' which is derived from the Greek word 'artēria.' In its original medical context, 'arteria' referred to the blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body's tissues. Over time, the concept of branching pathways carrying vital substances came to be applied metaphorically to transportation networks. In the context of roads, an 'artery' serves as a vital conduit, just as arteries in the human body carry essential life-supporting fluids. The etymology of 'artery' thus highlights its historical connection to the critical role that main roads play in connecting and sustaining regions and cities, akin to the function of vital blood vessels in the human body.
Further usage examples of artery
1. The government invested in upgrading the aging arterial network.
2. The historic artery is lined with charming boutiques and cafes.
3. The interstate artery is vital for long-distance travel.
4. The city's growth increased traffic on its primary artery.
5. The mountain pass serves as a vital artery for trade.
6. The arterial road connects the suburbs to the city center.
7. The expansion of the urban area required widening the arterial roads.
8. Road crews worked tirelessly to repair the damaged artery.
9. The ancient trade route evolved into a modern arterial highway.
10. The coastal artery is a popular route for summer road trips.
11. Maintaining the arterial infrastructure is crucial for economic growth.
12. Traffic on the major arterial route was diverted due to construction.
13. The artery through the forest offers a scenic drive in autumn.
14. The bypass was designed to divert heavy trucks from the city's main artery.
15. The artery connecting the two cities was undergoing construction and was closed for repairs.
16. The rural area was accessible only by a small artery that wound through the countryside.
17. The artery was dotted with truck stops, gas stations, and restaurants for travelers.
18. The new artery was designed to reduce travel time and improve traffic flow.
19. The artery provided a vital link between the port and the rest of the country.
20. The remote town could only be reached by traveling along a narrow and winding artery.
21. The city's busiest artery was closed for a parade, causing major traffic disruptions.
22. The rural artery was a scenic route, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.
23. The artery was well-maintained, with smooth pavement and clearly marked lanes.
24. The city was served by a network of arteries that connected it to other major cities.
25. The arterial road was a vital part of the city's transportation infrastructure, serving as a major route for goods and people.,,,
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Quiz categories containing artery
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