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Dictionary definition of argot
A specialized language or vocabulary used by a particular group of people, such as thieves, street gangs, or tradespeople.
"Gang members develop their own argot to establish a sense of identity and loyalty."
Detailed meaning of argot
It is a specific type of jargon that is used by a particular group of people, such as a profession or subculture, and is often not understood by those outside of that group. Argot can be used as a secret language to conceal criminal activities, or as a way for members of a group to identify each other. It can also be used by those who are part of a marginalized group to assert their identity or express their culture. Argot can include words and phrases that are specific to a particular group, as well as specific pronunciations, grammar, and syntax. Argot can change over time, and new words and phrases may be added as the group evolves or as new technology or trends emerge.
Example sentences containing argot
1. The group of teenagers communicated using their own unique argot, making it difficult for others to understand them.
2. The criminal underworld has its own argot to conceal their illicit activities from law enforcement.
3. The world of jazz musicians has a rich argot of terms and slang to describe their music and performances.
4. Linguists study argots as fascinating examples of specialized language used within certain subcultures.
5. The argot of computer programmers is filled with acronyms and technical jargon.
6. The argot of the internet has its own set of slang and terminology.
History and etymology of argot
The noun 'argot' has its roots in French, specifically from the word 'argot,' which originally referred to the jargon or specialized language used by thieves and criminals. The exact etymology of the French term is uncertain, but it is believed to have evolved from the Middle French word 'gargate,' meaning 'throat' or 'gullet.' This connection to the throat may suggest the secretive and whispered nature of such specialized language. Over time, 'argot' extended beyond criminal circles to describe the specialized vocabulary or jargon used by various groups, such as street gangs, tradespeople, and other subcultures. The etymology of 'argot' thus reflects its historical association with clandestine communication and specialized terminology used by specific communities.
Further usage examples of argot
1. The spy novels often incorporate spy argot to create an authentic atmosphere.
2. The argot of street artists includes various symbols and codes used to communicate covertly.
3. The argot of the fashion industry constantly evolves with new trends and terminology.
4. The argot of medical professionals can be challenging for laypeople to comprehend due to its specialized vocabulary.
5. The detective quickly picked up on the criminal's argot, allowing him to infiltrate their operation.
6. The argot of surfers is filled with terms to describe wave conditions, maneuvers, and the surf lifestyle.
7. The detective had to decipher the criminal's argot to crack the case.
8. Street performers often have their own unique argot.
9. The sailors used a nautical argot filled with maritime terms.
10. The hacker community has developed an argot to discuss their craft.
11. In the world of finance, there's an argot of acronyms and jargon.
12. He was fluent in the argot of the skateboarders at the park.
13. The thieves communicated in a secret argot to avoid detection.
14. Learning the argot of a new profession can be challenging.
15. The professor used academic argot that baffled the students.
16. Journalists have a professional argot to describe newsroom processes.
17. The argot of musicians includes technical terms and slang.
18. The argot of the medical field can be difficult for outsiders to understand.
19. The IT team used argot to discuss complex coding issues.
20. The actors on set had their own argot for discussing scenes.
21. Chefs often have their own culinary argot in the kitchen.
22. The cryptographers developed an argot for secure communication.
23. She quickly picked up the argot of the local community.
24. The argot of the legal profession is filled with Latin phrases.
25. The argot of the construction workers included trade-specific terms.
26. Understanding the argot of online forums can be a challenge for newcomers.,,,
Correspondence and Understanding, Variety and Diversity, Words and Language, Lexicon and Linguistics
Synonyms for argot
Quiz categories containing argot
jargon, standard language, plain speech, common language