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Dictionary definition of arduous
Extremely difficult, demanding, and requiring a great deal of effort, perseverance, and determination to complete or overcome.
"The arduous journey across the desert took weeks and left them exhausted."
Detailed meaning of arduous
When we characterize something as arduous, we emphasize the physical or mental strain and the significant obstacles or hardships involved. Arduous endeavors often test one's endurance and resilience, and they may require meticulous planning and unwavering commitment. Whether it's an arduous journey through harsh terrain, an arduous academic course, or an arduous project at work, this term conveys a sense of formidable difficulty and the need for tenacity and hard work to achieve success. Arduous tasks are not easily undertaken, but the sense of accomplishment upon their completion is often immensely rewarding.
Example sentences containing arduous
1. Counting ballots is an arduous task that requires great effort and concentration.
2. It was an arduous journey over one of the the most perilous mountain ranges in the world.
3. Rowing accross the Atlantic ocean is an arduous journey of approximately 4,700 km.
4. Climbing Mount Everest is an arduous adventure full of danger and trepidation.
5. They escaped from occupied territory after a series of arduous encounters with the enemy.
6. The refugees commenced an arduous journey fleeing from their war-torn country.
History and etymology of arduous
The adjective 'arduous' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'ardere,' which means 'to burn.' In its original Latin usage, 'ardere' was associated with the burning intensity of a fire or flame. Over time, this sense of intense heat and effort evolved into the Latin word 'arduosus,' which meant 'steep' or 'difficult to climb.' 'Arduous' as we know it today passed into English from this Latin term, and it came to describe tasks or challenges that are extremely difficult, demanding, and require a great deal of effort, perseverance, and determination to complete or overcome. The etymology of 'arduous' underscores the notion of a steep and challenging ascent, likening such efforts to the intensity of a burning flame.
Further usage examples of arduous
1. They reached the base camp after an arduous three-day trek across the mountains.
2. It was an arduous task requiring months of painstaking effort and detail.
3. The hike to the summit was long and arduous, but the view from the top was worth it.
4. The arduous task of moving all of her belongings took the entire weekend.
5. The marathon was an arduous test of endurance for the runners.
6. The arduous journey across the desert took weeks and left them exhausted.
7. The surgery was complicated and arduous, but the patient made a full recovery.
8. The work of a farmer is often hard and arduous, with long hours and little rest.
9. The arduous climb up the mountain was made even more difficult by the heavy rain.
10. The job of a nurse is often physically and emotionally arduous, but also rewarding.
11. The arduous process of rebuilding the house took months of hard work.
12. The arduous journey through the jungle was filled with challenges and dangers.
13. Climbing Mount Everest is an arduous feat that tests one's limits.
14. Writing a 100-page thesis proved to be an arduous endeavor.
15. The arduous journey through the desert left us exhausted.
16. Marathon training is an arduous process that demands dedication.
17. Solving complex math problems can be an arduous task.
18. Navigating through rush-hour traffic is an arduous daily routine.
19. Completing a triathlon is an arduous challenge for athletes.
20. The construction of the skyscraper was an arduous project.
21. Learning a new language can be an arduous but rewarding experience.
22. Surviving in the wilderness requires arduous survival skills.
23. The arduous process of rebuilding the city after the disaster was inspiring.
24. Writing a novel is an arduous creative journey filled with ups and downs.,,,,,,
GRE 5 (Graduate Record Examination), Trials and Tribulations, Demanding and Challenging, Adversity and Obstacle, Determination and Tenacity, Endurance and Resilience, Hardship and Suffering
Synonyms for arduous
Quiz categories containing arduous
demanding, easy, effortless, simple