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Dictionary definition of apothegm
A concise, memorable, and insightful saying or maxim that conveys a profound or moral truth.
"The wise elder often shared apothegms with the younger members of the community."
Detailed meaning of apothegm
Often attributed to a specific person or attributed to a particular culture or tradition, apothegms are pithy statements that encapsulate wisdom, guidance, or a universal principle in a succinct manner. They are designed to be easily remembered and passed down through generations as nuggets of wisdom or memorable quotes. Apothegms are valued for their ability to distill complex ideas or experiences into concise and memorable phrases. They can offer guidance, inspire reflection, or serve as moral or philosophical lessons. Apothegms can be found in various forms, such as proverbs, adages, or aphorisms, and they are utilized in literature, speeches, and everyday conversations to convey deep meaning in a succinct manner. Overall, apothegms are powerful tools for capturing and transmitting insightful and timeless truths in a concise and memorable format.
Example sentences containing apothegm
1. "Actions speak louder than words" is a well-known apothegm.
2. He often shared apothegms to inspire his team.
3. The wise elder shared apothegms about life's lessons.
4. Her favorite apothegm was "Live and let live."
5. "Honesty is the best policy" is a timeless apothegm.
6. Philosophers are known for crafting thought-provoking apothegms.
7. The book was filled with ancient Greek apothegms.
History and etymology of apothegm
The noun 'apothegm' has its etymological origins in the Greek word 'apophthegma,' derived from 'apophthengesthai,' which means 'to speak one's opinion plainly' or 'to utter.' In ancient Greece, an 'apophthegma' referred to a concise and pithy saying, often imparting profound wisdom or moral truths. These sayings were highly regarded for their clarity and insightful nature. The term 'apothegm' made its way into Latin as 'apophthegma' and later into English, retaining its original meaning as a brief and memorable statement that encapsulates a profound or moral truth. Therefore, the etymology of 'apothegm' highlights its historical roots in the art of eloquent and succinct expression, emphasizing the enduring appeal of concise and insightful sayings.
Further usage examples of apothegm
1. The teacher encouraged students to create their own apothegms.
2. "A stitch in time saves nine" is a practical apothegm.
3. The apothegm "Know thyself" is attributed to Socrates.
4. He lived by the apothegm "Carpe Diem."
5. The apothegm "Actions speak louder than words" guided his decisions.
6. Many cultures have their own aphorisms and apothegms.
7. The poet often incorporated apothegms into his verses.
8. The ancient philosopher's apothegms still resonate today.
9. The book of apothegms offered daily doses of wisdom.
10. The apothegm "All that glitters is not gold" warns of deception.
11. He began his speech with a famous apothegm.
12. The motivational speaker shared inspirational apothegms.
13. The apothegm "Two wrongs don't make a right" promotes ethical behavior.
14. The book of ancient apothegms contains pearls of wisdom from philosophers throughout history.
15. He shared an apothegm from his grandmother that he holds close to his heart.
16. The teacher started the class with an apothegm to set the tone for the lesson.
17. The speaker opened their speech with a thought-provoking apothegm that captured everyone's attention.
18. The writer included an apothegm at the beginning of each chapter to provide insightful guidance.
19. The team's coach frequently used apothegms to motivate and inspire the players.
20. The ancient philosopher is known for his collection of apothegms that still resonate today.
21. The poet often incorporated apothegms into their verses to convey deeper meaning.
22. The book of apothegms serves as a source of daily inspiration for many readers.
23. The old sage's apothegms are cherished for their timeless wisdom and profound insights.
24. The speech concluded with a powerful apothegm that left a lasting impression on the audience.,,
SAT 20 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Acumen and Insight, Language and Expression 1
Synonyms for apothegm
Quiz categories containing apothegm
maxim, verbosity, rambling, prolixity