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Complete Vocabulary List for: SAT 19 (Scholastic Assessment Test)

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SAT 19 (Scholastic Assessment Test)

acme, advocacy, ambience, ambiguity, amiable, anodyne, anticipatory, antivenin, avow, a-la-carte, bathetic, beget, cadre, carping, cataclysmic, causation, caveat-emptor, contrite, criminate, cryptogram, desolation, dictum, dossier, embodiment, embrocate, exultation, foreboding, formative, fragmented, frisson, fungible, heresy, hijinks, hydric, iconic, impious, indignity, infliction, insubstantial, kindle, kooky, lavation, layman, lenience, luscious, malnourished, misrepresent, mutineer, obliviousness, passivity, peppered, precept, predominance, primordial, prostitute, quorum, rejoice, schadenfreude, spatial, squeamish, stratum, subaquatic, subsequently, swoon, tetchy, tether, tolerance, torpid, tousled, truism, virtuous, wail, wistful, wither, witticism

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