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Find the Antonym (Opposite Meaning): SAT 10 (Scholastic Assessment Test) Words

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SAT 10 (Scholastic Assessment Test)

anthropomorphism, assuage, austere, bawdy, bijou, bipartisan, blurt, burly, complicit, congenial, contiguous, contrarian, corporal, deluge, denigrate, disaffirm, dissident, dorsal, emboss, empathize, endogenous, epigram, esprit-de-corps, evocative, expropriate, folly, forlorn, fortuitous, furnish, hippocratic, holistic, homogenous, imagery, impassioned, impute, indebtedness, indecorous, infirm, innumerate, kernel, kilter, kitsch, labyrinthine, largesse, latency, loyalist, Machiavellian, negate, nonchalance, octogenarian, pabulum, peccadillo, perforation, prolepsis, propensity, recumbent, remuneration, renounce, reputed, revenant, revolutionary, rife, rousing, sanitize, serum, sporadic, surrogate, tautology, tempestuous, underwrite, unprincipled, veneer, ventral, visceral, wassail

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